With love

We have a fully-trained massage therapist with a wealth of experience based closeby and ready to deliver soothing massage sessions on your arrival.
Our massages in Laguna Apoyo, Casa Marimba are top-quality and start from just $40 per hour.
Our massages take place in a private, peaceful location amongst some beautiful nature and will leave you feeling calm, refreshed, and ready to face the world.
We offer a range of different massage styles from across the globe with incense, relaxing music accompanied by natural birdsong, and fragrant massage oils. Have a look here for all the information.
A moment just for you, surrounded by the serenity of the Laguna nature reserve. Nurturing your body and mind.
Classes are accessible to both beginners and more experienced practitioners.
Currently we do not have a yoga teacher available. If you are a yoga teacher yourself and would like to come teach at Casa Marimba, don't hesitate to reach out.

At Casa Marimba we have the perfect spot to host and create events. You will find events around music, yoga, and connection with nature, yourself and eachother. Follow us on social media #casamarimba to keep up to date on our latest evenst!
Interested in hosting an event yourself? Get in touch!